Native plants for riparian and wetland area planting
This year at The Native Dairy Farmer we have 13 revegetation species available, perfect for riparian and wetland retirement areas. Our native plants are grown in 60mm Ellepots.
Thinking about you 2024 planting projects? Below is a list of species which we will have available:
Hebe Stricta - Koromiko
Pittosporum Eugenioides - Lemonwood
Pittosporum Tenuifolium - Black Matipo
Leptospermum Scoparium - Manuka
Kunzea Ericoides - Kanuka
Phormium Cookianum - Mountain Flax
Coprosma Robusta - Karamu
Cordyline Australis - Cabbage Tree
Austroderia Fluid - Toetoe
Dodonaea Viscosa - Akeake
Carex Geminata
Carex Secta
Carex Virgata
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Leptospermum Scoparium - Manuka
Small tree - mature height / width 4m x 1.5m
Drought, wind and frost tolerant. Suitable for wetland, riparian and hill slope planting. Suitable for primary planting. Grows well on exposed sites.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+ GST)

Kunzea Ericodies - Kanuka
Tree - larger form than Manuka – mature height / width 8m x 3m
Drought, wind and frost tolerant. Suitable for wetland, riparian and hill slope planting. Suitable for primary planting. Grows well on exposed sites. Typically longer living than Manuka.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Coprosma Robusta - Karamu
Shrub - Mature height / width 4m x 1.5m
Commonly known as swamp coprosma. This shrub species has shiny leaves and bright orange berries which attract the birds. Drought and wind tolerant. Suitable for primary planting. Suitable for planting on the outer reaches of riparian and wetland plantings – does not like having its feet wet.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Carex Geminata
Mature height 75cm - 1m
Commonly known as cutty grass. Suitable for riparian and wetland planting. Frost and wind tolerant. Spread through a rhizome in their root system to form a carpet. Tolerant of flooding and inundation. Can be used to provide stabilisation in the riparian zone.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Phormium Cookianum - Mountain Flax
Mature height / width 1.5m x 1.5m
Suitable for primary planting. Drought, frost, wind and salt wind tolerant. Suitable for riparian and hill slope planting. Smaller form than swamp flax/harakeke.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Cordyline Australis - Cabbage Tree
Mature height / width 10m x 3m
Suitable for riparian and wetland planting. Good for primary planting. Frost and wind tolerant. Has a deep tap root.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Carex Virgata
Grass/sedge -Mature height 75cm - 1m
This hardy sedge is suitable for riparian and wetland planting. Frost and wind tolerant. Tolerant of flooding and inundation. Can be used to provide stabilisation in the riparian zone. More dry tolerant than Carex Secta.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Carex Secta
Grass/Sedge - Mature height 75cm-1m
This hardy sedge is suitable for riparian and wetland planting. Frost and wind tolerant. Tolerant of flooding and inundation. Its large root system is great for stabilising drain and stream edges, preventing erosion.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Pittosporum Tenuifolium - Black Matipo
Tree - Mature height / width 8m x 3m
Suitable for primary planting. Drought, wind and frost tolerant. Suitable for riparian and hill slope planting. Dense foliage and highly scented flowers make this species attractive to bees.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot(+GST)

Pittosporum Eugenoides - Lemonwood
Tree - Mature height/width 9m x 4m
Fast growing evergreen tree. Suitable for riparian and hill slope planting. Wind and frost tolerant. Highly scented flowers with long light green glossy leaves.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot(+GST)

Dodonea Viscosa - Akeake
Tree - Mature Height/Width 6m x 3m
A medium sized, fast growing, evergreen tree. Suitable for wetland and hill slope planting. Drought, wind and salt wind tolerant.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Hebe Stricta - Koromiko
Shrub - Mature Height/Width 1.8m x 1m
Large shrub suitable for primary planting. Wind tolerant. Suitable for riparian and hill slope planting. Characterised by its long pale green leaves and tiny white flowers in summer. Koromiko is a hard species that does not tolerate shade.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Austroderia fulvida - Toetoe
Grass/Sedge - Mature Height/Width 1.5m x 1.5m
This versatile native is suitable for wetland, riparian and hillslope planting. Drought, wind, salt wind and frost tolerant, Toetoe is a hardy species suitable for most planting sites. Attractive white/creamy flower which plumes in January.
$3.00 each 60mm Ellepot (+GST)

Wetland Box
10 x Manuka
10x Kanuka
10x Cabbage Tree
10x Karamu
10x Carex Grass (choose from Virgata, Secta or Geminata)
$150.00 (+GST)

Hillslope/Dryland Box
10x Manuka
10x Kanuka
10x Lemonwood
10x Black Matipo
5x Mountain Flax
5x Toetoe
$150.00 (+GST)

Plant + Weed Mat Combo
Choose any of our range of natives and add a wool weed mat.
Made from NZ dag wool, these 300x 300mm, wool weed mats are the perfect addition to your native planting this season.
Wool weed mats protect your plant by reducing weed burden, retianing soil moisture and can also deter slugs and snails. As the wool decomposes overtime it releases nutrients back into the soil, serving as a natural fertiliser.
Easy to use with a pre-cut slit in the centre of the mat allowing for easy placement at the base of the plant.
$4.00 (PlANT + WOOL MAT) + GST

The Native Wool Box
The perfect gift for that special someone, to mark a special occasion, or to fill in those gaps in your back garden or exisiting native planting site.
5 beautiful natives grown in degradable paper pots presented in a handmade wool box from Floating Peaks. The wool box can then be cut up and turned into 5 wool weed mats. No plastic, no waste - the ultimate native plant, wool combo.
The Native Wool Box is made from 450gsm dag wool.
Choose from one of our awesome plant mixes or pick your own.
$30 each incl GST

Large Native Wool Box
Containing 25 natives grown in degradable paper pots, the large native wool box is the ultimate sustainable native gift.
Choose from one of our awesome plant mixes, or pick you own.
$ 120 each incl GST
Order your native plants here...
Need help with your plant choices?
Please feel free to contact us for further information on native plant selection and advice on planting best practices.